Aysha Anggraini

On code, design, and movement

Modernizing Anchorific

I must be the world’s most horrible open sourceress because I can’t seem to maintain my projects consistently. Mad respect to all the open source contributors out there. I wish I could do what they do but I just can’t seem to commit. If you were to compare my projects to plants in a garden, […]

CSS Grid for the Traditionalists

CSS Grid opens a plethora of new possibilities for designing layouts. We can finally let go of the 12-columns layout since our new tools made it easier to manipulate our grid system. However, I still believe that 12-columns layout is still going to be a thing at least until the adoption of CSS Grid becomes […]

The Art of Solving Problems with CSS

At my workplace, sometimes I’m tasked with creating impractical UIs such as this ribbon shown in the screenshot below. I see them as impractical since it is not your average card UIs or navigation bars that are easy to create. These types of problem requires a bit of thinking but with a systematic approach, you […]

Beautiful Mistakes: Coming Up with Unconventional Layouts with CSS Grid

CSS Grid is awesome and that is because it is a new tool that makes working with layouts much easier. This post is not going to be about how to work with CSS Grid; I think there are plenty of posts and resources out there. This is going to be a documentation of my creative […]

Prototyping Complex Animation for Not-So-Artistic People

I recently gave a talk titled Breaking Down SVG Animations at a local meet-up in Singapore called Talk.CSS. It is not so much about SVG and it is more about how to approach complex animations for the web as a beginner. In this talk, I refer to complex animation as animating cartoons or characters; anything […]