Picking on my pretty ugly CSS code
I went to the CSSConf.asia in Singapore recently and enjoyed lots of interesting talks. Out of all interesting talks that are given out that day, the information that stands out the most to me was about writing maintainable CSS and creating improving the performance of the UI. I work with a team of both front-end […]
Beautiful Horizontal Accordion with Pure CSS
This is long overdue! I created this last month before I started working and I love the result. I saw this accordion originally at Ch3mical.com, a portfolio by Paul Kelley. He had achieve this effect using images and jQuery. I decided to replicate the effect using pure CSS and font icons. For a better experience, […]
CSS3 Thumbnail Hover Effect
See the Pen Pure CSS Thumbnail Hover Effect by Ren Aysha (@rrenula) on CodePen I remembered an old blog post by @Sohtanaka where he created a thumbnail hover effect with CSS and jQuery. I decided to replicate the same effect using CSS3, making it to Pure CSS without any JavaScript involve. It uses good […]
Code Editor with Pure CSS
See the Pen Pure CSS Code Editor by Ren Aysha (@rrenula) on CodePen I found a really nice code editor design on Dribbble created by Roy Barber. I decided to try and re-create the design with pure CSS. I thought it will be a good exercise for me to start getting creative with CSS3 useful […]
WordPress Theme Development: Getting Started with Bones and Sass
Bones is a starter theme for WordPress. If you are developing a WordPress theme, Bones will be a good starting point for you since you do not have to start from scratch. Sure, there are a lot of themes that you can modify and expand on. So why Bones, specifically? It is mobile first and […]